Act Two Release in One Day

Act Two of Pine is completed and will be released on January 1.

We all love a little FOMO so be sure to purchase before the new year to save fifty shiny pennies! There also is a Winter Sale currently running on so grab some holiday games while the gittin' is good... have a look-see through my available art assets and other stuff to see if there's anything ya like.

As Pine has continued to sprawl (in a good way) I've decided to release it in three acts instead of two. Act Three is scheduled to be released on Valentine's Day, February 14. 

In the background, development for Quest For The X 2 has already begun...

I am planning to give out 10 copies of a playable QFTX2 demo for the first 10 players who discover a related easter egg hidden within Act Three of Pine. So if you enjoyed the 2023 Playdate Community Award winner and are hungry for the sequel, whet your appetite on that there demo. But you'll need to discover it in-game...

Happy Holidays!

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